Original E3D v6 HeatSink - 1.75mm Universal

Original E3D v6 HeatSink - 1.75mm Universal


Original E3D v6 HeatSink - 1.75mm Universal


Original E3D v6 HeatSink - 1.75mm Universal

The 1.75mm Universal v6 HeatSink has been designed to utilise our unique embeded bowden couplings which makes the bowden so compact that we merged bowden and direct into the same product. The product is significantly less bulky than its v5 predecessor.

This product comes complete with the embedded bowden coupler installed in the heatsink.

Weight: 20g

Hight: 43mm

Diameter: 22.3mm


The v6 1.75mm HeatSink is not cross compatible with v5 since the HeatBreak has changed from M6 to M7 in order to allow for a PTFE lining all the way down into the cold-side of the HeatBreak. 

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